New York’s The Dead Rabbit Grocery & Grog was not only recently named World’s Best Bar title at the Spirited Awards in New Orleans, but also received the coveted World’s Best Cocktail Menu title. In a deviation from the historical focus which made the bar famous, Dead Rabbit revealed its third cocktail menu in celebration of its second anniversary.

Crafted by Jack McGarry, co-founder and managing director, and spearheaded by newly appointed head bartender Jillian Vose, the menu is the final installment in the venue’s trilogy and comes in the style of a graphic novel depicting the tale of Lewis Morris Pease – a Protestant minister sent to New York’s famous Five Points neighbourhood to convert its Irish Catholics.

It is split into four sections: Winter 1850, Spring 1851, Summer 1851 and Fall 1851, with each section including a biblical quote, a fictional diary entry from Pease and illustrations showing the life of Five Points. While the story which streams throughout the menu maintains the bar’s focus on history, Vose started with a “clean slate” when creating the new serves.

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