Crafting Gin with Science

When we dreamt up the idea to launch our small-batch distillery and bar, we knew we wanted to take the scientific approach.

That’s why we contacted Professor Paul Hughes – head of Brewing and Distilling at Heriot-Watt University.

With his wealth of knowledge and over 20 years’ experience, we knew we could conjure up something magnificent together.

As gin is well known to be a complex, enigmatic spirit, to push its boundaries we needed to conduct all manner of experiments – the Professor was delighted to collaborate:

“Edinburgh Gin are reinvigorating a product of the past and I find that extremely interesting.

To allow us as much freedom as possible, we’ll be distilling batches in far more modest quantities than what one would normally come to expect from a distillery.

These smaller batches allow more risks to be taken and even some little mistakes to be made along the way – all in the pursuit of crafting magnificent gin!”


Our two lovely stills, Flora and Caledonia are quite a contrast from one another; the slender Caledonia and the rotund Flora bring some remarkably different results.


They both allow us to craft unique and experimental recipes, whilst still providing the classics everyone knows and loves.

So if you’d care to sneak a peek of the Edinburgh Gin Distillery, you’ll experience a world of wild and wonderful concoctions we’ve put together with the Professor’s help – you may even discover a few of his mysterious methods while you’re there.

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